Thursday, April 24, 2008

Detox diet with HL

Again.... this articles taken from adieha's blog..... I found that there's too many useful tips and info and i've done this detox last week... Guess what?? lost 2.3 kg... Start drp pertengahan april haritu my kilos did not reduce at all... static at that number hoho... but then i still feel that there's more inches already gone... mungkin sebab i baru try amik F3...

My upline said that maybe my body works on my lean muscle... mmg tak turun langsung kilo tu tapi baju longgar2 plak.... jeans size 36 pun dah londeh haha padahal baru jek beli jeans tuh minggu lepas huhu....

With herbalife, kita provide protein (esp dari F3) utk build lean muscles (thats one of the reason why my berat belum turun). Lean muscles ni bukan jenis muscles cam ahli bina badan tu yer. Tp muscles yg cantikkan and firmkan badan kite. So bila kite lose weight, kite tetap maintain fit and takde menggeleber di sana sini.. :wink: And this herbalife shakes cepat diserap dlm sel2 bdn dan muscles kita. The moment kite minum shake je, muscles ni terus dapat nutrients (esp dari F1) utk dia akan jadi aktif bekerja and bole jalankan proses buang lemak.

so bila kita lost inches means proses pembuangan lemak sedang berlaku..
way to gooo!! :dance:

I ikut cara adieha punya detox cuma with my normal consumptionlah... normally i take 3F1 and 1F3 together with 250ml plain water.... i suka pekat2 hehe baru ada feel amik shake kui3x nak buat 4 scoop cam adieha kang bajet lari plak haha... tunggulah jadik supervisor dulu baru leh increase scoop nih hihi ;)

24 hour : Detoxification Diet with Herbalife
by Adieha

All of us need some bodily detoxification from time to time, and here is a tried and tested 24 hour : Detoxification Diet with Herbalife.

If you have overdone eating or drinking, have smoked too much, here is a 24 hour detox solution for you.

Detox Method

For the 24 hour period, no solid food is allowed.

Note: If you are feeling hungry you can snack on fresh fruits, raw veggies (without added seasoning) or snack on Herbalife protein snack; 'Roasted Soy Nuts' or Soy and 'Whey Protein Bar'. Just be aware of the 3 hours gap!

Consume your Herbalife shakes 3 to 4 times, teamix and water as usual.

Recipe 1:
4 scoops of F1 + 2 scoops of F3 (for 1st shake)
4 scoops of F1 (for 2nd and 3rd shake)


4 scoops of F1 + 1 scoop of F3 (for 1st and 2nd shake)
4 scoops of F1 (for 3rd and 4th shake)

Recipe 2:
4 scoops of F1 + 2 scoop of F3 (for all shakes)

You will notice that by consuming more F3, your arms and thighs will get firmer. This is because F3 will replace your fat with muscles. So if you are still in the process of losing weight, it is advisable to follow Recipe 1. Unless you want to be a body builder. :P

Sample Menu
breakfast = 1st shake -> 1/2 hour gap -> teamix + water -> 3 hours gap
lunch = 2nd shake -> 1/2 hour gap -> teamix + water -> 3 hours gap
dinner = 3rd shake -> 1/2 hour gap -> teamix + water -> 4 hours before going to bed
supper = 4th shake.. (optional)

Results and Benefits
You will find yourself quite a bit in the bathroom, with constant urination and perhaps some more than usual defecation. This is quite normal, as your body is ridding itself of pollutants. Your kidneys will be very active, and accumulated solid particles will find their way out of your intestines quite quickly.

After the 24 hour period, you will feel very light, clean and refreshed.

It is helpful if during the period you can take a sauna or at least bath frequently in your shower, scrubbing your skin with a shower brush to aid the skin also to expel accumulated toxins.

Ask your Doctor
This diet is completely safe for use on a 24 hour period, but just in case, ask your doctor if you can do this diet before you begin. You may have some conditions that would not allow a liquid fast.

How Frequently Can One Detoxify?
Normally not more than one or three days a month should this diet be followed, but in some cases, and with a doctor's permission, the diet can be followed one day a week.

Unexpected Benefits from the Detox Diet
Should you be on a diet, or wishing to lose weight, the detox diet is great to give you diet a needed boost. You will find that after 24 hours on a liquid fast, you will be lighter, no question about it.Post-Diet Diet
On the day following your detox diet, do not drink any alcohol or eat any heavy food such as meat or fish. It is best on the day after the detox diet to have salads, some light soups, and for protein, simply cooked chicken.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Calorie Counter

Setiap 8000 kalori yang terkumpul (tidak dibakar) akan menaikkan 1kg berat badan.

Berapa kalori dalam makanan orang Malaysia?

Kategori: Kuih Muih
1. Kasui berkelapa parut (sekeping) = 160 kalori
2. Kuih lapis (sekeping) = 130 kalori
3. Bingka ubi (sekeping) = 220 kalori
4. Cekodok Pisang (sebiji sederhana) = 180 kalori
5. Popia goreng (satu) = 130 kalori
6. Popia basah (satu) = 95 kalori
7. Pisang goreng (sekeping) = 170 kalori
8. Kek biasa tanpa krim (sepotong) = 87 kalori
9. Karipap (sebiji) = 130 kalori
10. Sandwich sardin (sekeping) = 70 kalori
11. Bubur kacang (semangkuk) = 100 kalori

Kategori: Lauk Pauk
1. Ikan kembong kari berkuah (seekor) = 85 kalori
2. Ikan tenggiri goreng bercili (sepotong) = 142 kalori
3. Ikan kembong goreng (seekor) = 140 kalori
4. Ikan senangin masam manis berkuah (sepotong) = 210 kalori
5. Daging lembu kari berkuah (2 kotak mancis) = 130 kalori
6. Ayam kari berkuah (sepotong) = 250 kalori
7. Ayam goreng (sepotong) = 255 kalori
8. Ayam tandoori (sepotong) = 220 kalori
9. Sambal udang (setengah cawan) = 70 kalori
10. Sambal sotong (setengah cawan) = 55 kalori
11. Telor goreng (sebiji) = 110 kalori
12. Taukua goreng (sekeping) = 110 kalori
13. Kacang panggang dalam tin (2 sudu makan) = 40 kalori

Kategori: Makanan Rutin
1. Nasi putih (satu setengah cawan) = 260 kalori
2. Nasi lemak bersambal (sepinggan) = 400 kalori
3. Nasi goreng bertelur (sepinggan) = 635 kalori
4. Nasi briyani berayam (sepinggan) = 880 kalori
5. Nasi minyak kosong (sepinggan) = 445 kalori
6. Nasi ayam kosong (sepinggan) = 300 kalori
7. Mee goreng kosong (sepinggan) = 660 kalori
8. Mee sup (semangkuk) = 380 kalori
9. Mee hoon goreng (sepinggan) = 550 kalori
10. Roti putih (2 keping) = 156 kalori
11. Roti canai kosong tanpa kuah (sekeping) = 200 kalori
12. Capati tanpa kuah (sekeping) = 180 kalori
13. Pau ayam (sebiji) = 203 kalori
14. Emping jagung kosong (secawan) =160 kalori

Kategori: Makanan Segera
1. Peha ayam goreng (satu) = 130 kalori
2. Nugget ayam (satu) = 60 kalori
3. Kentang lecek (satu tub kecil) = 90 kalori
4. Sayur kobis hancur (satu tub) = 75 kalori
5. Burger keju (satu) = 425 kalori
6. Kentang goreng (satu kantung kecil) = 405 kalori
7. Sate ayam (secucuk) = 35 kalori
8. Pizza berkeju (sepotong) = 240 kalori

Kategori: Buah-buahan
1. Tembikai (sepotong) = 20 kalori
2. Betik (sepotong) = 45 kalori
3. Pisang emas (2 biji) = 76 kalori
4. Durian (5 ulas) = 64 kalori
5. Limau (sebiji) = 42 kalori
6. Jambu batu (sebiji) = 110 kalori
7. Nenas (sepotong) = 59 kalori
8. Epal (sebiji) = 63 kalori
9. Ciku (sebiji) = 44 kalori
10. Mangga (sebiji) = 103 kalori

Berapa yang selalunya orang dewasa makan sehari?
Makan Pagi: Nasi lemak bersambal (400 kalori) + Telor mata kerbau (21 kalori) + Teh Tarik (120 kalori) = 541 kalori
Pukul 10 pagi: Kuih karipap 3 biji (390 kalori) + Teh O (20 kalori) = 410 kalori

Makan tengahari: Nasi 3 cawan (420 kalori) + Ayam kari (250 kalori) + Dalca Sayur setengah cawan (150 kalori) + Air Tembikai (80 kalori) = 900 kalori

Minum petang: Kopi susu (120 kalori) + Popia Goreng 3 biji (390 kalori) = 510 kalori

Makan Malam: Nasi 3 cawan (420 kalori) + Ikan Tenggiri Masak Merah (142 kalori) + Kangkong goreng belacan (120 kalori) = 682 kalori
Jumlah (541 + 410 + 900 + 510 + 682) = 3043 kalori.

Apa akan berlaku jika tabiat makan kita seperti di atas berlarutan selama setahun?
Jika lelaki bakar 2500 kalori tetapi makan 3043 kalorisehari maka mereka akan simpan 543 kalori setiap hari sebagai lemak.543 X 365 hari = 198, 195 kalori setahun disimpan. Jadi dalam setahun berat akan meningkat sebanyak 24.77kg!! (198,195 / 8000).

Bagaimana untuk bakar kalori?
Tingkatkan aktiviti harian, berjalan pantas, naik turuntangga, cuci kereta, bersukan, senaman. Kurangkan menonton TV ataubermain permainan computer kerana badan hanya membakar 1 kalori seminitjika kita beraktiviti seperti ini dan ia sama nilai dengan kalori yangdibakar semasa tidur!

Berapa kalori dibakar dengan aktiviti yang kita lakukan?
Kalori yang dibakar bergantung pada berat badan danketumpatan tubuh seseorang Berikut adalah kiraan kalori yang dibakarseorang yang seberat 68kg beraktiviti selama sejam.
1) Menonton TV = 40 kalori
2) Berjalan pantas = 300 kalori
3) Bermain bola keranjang (agresif) = 450 kalori
4) Mengemas rumah = 240 kalori
5) Berkebun = 320 kalori
6) Bermain golf (bawa sendiri Club) = 385 kalori
7) Berbasikal statik = 380 kalori
8) Aerobik = 405 kalori
9) Ping Pong = 280 kalori