Saturday, March 8, 2008

Cellular Nutrition

copy paste this comment from wmc.... by nickname daffy...

For those of you that have question whether Herbalife suitable for those currently with or had health condition mesti faham apa tu "Cellular Nutrition"
:idea: Cellular nutrition is simply providing ALL nutrients to the cell at optimal levels. This allows the cell to determine what it actually does and does not need. I don’t have to worry about determining which nutrients the cell is deficient in. I simply provide all of the important nutrients at optimal levels--those levels shown to provide a health benefit in the medical literature. Any nutritional deficiencies will be automatically corrected over the next few months by this approach and all the other vital nutrients will be brought up to their optimal levels as well.

Cellular nutrition is providing the body with all the antioxidants along with the supporting B vitamins and antioxidant minerals at optimal levels. This is "preventive medicine" at its best because we can literally attack the disease process at its core by preventing oxidative stress from occurring.
Saya sudah dapat banyak training on Cellular Nutrition dan Nutritional products. I also buat comparison apa beza nya..

Kenapa Herbalife bagus untuk orang2 yang dapat diseases mcm kanser, diabetes, high blood's because due to long-term imbalance diet kita tiap2 hari.

Herbalife boleh provide ALL nutrients pada cell2 kita. Kita tak perlu lagi takut which part of our body/cell tak dapat nutrients...Ini yang paling bagus. In mesti faham produk yang u beli dari luar/store/farmasi2/doctors, mostly only give u very little nutrition, even though it's vitamin, it's only in a SINGLE form that helps on certain area...

example kan...kita beli Vit C, ini untul kulit, Calcium untuk tulang2, Beta untuk mata...tapi, cellular nutrition dari Herbalife has everything...kita tak payah beli banyak2 vitamins lagi, lagipun, Herbalife bukan mahal jika u tahu apa sebenarnya. 8)
Why Herbalife can help cancer patients: :)

Ini sebab when orang ada kanser, cells banyak sudah jadi "lemah/weak" because for long term badan you tak dapat nutrition yang cells lemah tu nak. Cell won't turn cancerous unless a bad diet prolong to 7years minimum!!! Tapi jika lama2 cells lemah still tak dapat nutrient, mereka turn to cancerous cells! :twisted:

Herbalife tu semua bahan2 natural, bukan dari ANIMAL! So u mesti faham! Orang yang dapat kanser mesti ada cukup protein untul rebuild and regrow their cells AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. Tapi, jika u makan daging...ia ada protein tapi protein tak bagus kerana cancer cells just love protein dari daging. Sebab tu kita mesti bagi makanan yang cancer cell tak suka, lama2, cancer cells tak dapat makanan yg mereka minat, mereka pun jadi lemah..itu yang kita nak! :P

so jika ada apa2 soalan lagi, tanya saja..saya Nutrition advisor sendiri, mesti saya boleh bantu ya!

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